Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Obama's Uncle Charged With Drunken Driving, Held by Immigration Officials

President Obama's uncle -- arrested on suspicion of drunken driving and held without bail on an immigration detainer, reportedly has had a Social Security card for the last 19 years.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/08/29/obamas-uncle-charged-with-drunken-driving/#ixzz1WWxzeiYz
It will be interesting to see Pres.Obama's reaction to this. Its already sparked huge media attention. Theres no way he can simply clear Uncle Obama's DUI by way of Presidential order. That would just add even more controversy to Obama's heritage.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Is the News over reporting hurricane Irene?

My local talk radio station was talking about the hurricane coverage for the east coast. They had people calling commenting about it. Should we be getting so much news coverage on the west coast since it doesn't affect us? Yes, it may be a big one, but that's part of living over there. 
As far as my thoughts, talk radio will beat anything to a pulp, so is this much different? It may be overkill, but I have many other listening options when one station gets old. 
Your comments please.